AA specially-designed tracking software helped the Ahmedabad Rural Police successfully solve an Rs 5-crore robber case within 12 hours. Six accused, including a member of Chhota Rajan's gang and a SRP constable, were arrested for the robbery that took place at 11pm on Friday and was solved by Saturday evening. As per police officials, the mastermind Sura Bharvad had approached Chhota Rajan's man Sunil Pawar for the heist. Elaborating on the case, IGP Dr KLN Rao (Ahmedabad range) said, "At 11pm on Friday, five people attacked a truck belonging to Ishwar Bechar Angadia and looted at least 17kg gold and other jewellery and crores.
As soon as the police was informed about this, the SOG and other police staff formed five other teams to locate the accused. The teams put to use specially created software that helped the team pinpoint suspicious mobile phone activity. Late on Saturday evening, the teams nabbed mastermind Sura Bharvad (34) of Matroda village in Patan, Kana Bharvad (31) from Mohanpur village of Sabarkantha, Khoda Bharvad (32) of Rajkot, Bhala Bharvad (32) from Bharti village near Gandhinagar, Sunil Pawar (48) of Adajan in Surat and SRP Jawan Ghela Bharvad (36) who lives in Sector30 of Gandhinagar. We also recovered valuables to the tune of Rs 3.50 crore along with three weapons used during the heist."
Rao further said that Sura is the mastermind of the plan and he took help of Sunil Pawar, a part of underworld gangster Chhota Rajan's team in Mumbai. "Sunil was involved in several cases, including three of extortion. After the death of OP Singh, a close associate of Rajan, he was moved to Surat from Mumbai to oversee operations. In fact, Sunil also fought in the local elections as an independent candidate.
As part of their plan, Sura was to give Sunil and his gang — known as the Pawar gang — 30 per cent of the loot. They had met for distribution of the loot at a farmhouse near Pethapur." Rao said, "The team also arrested SRP Constable Ghela Bharvad — he ordered the truck to stop near Bavla as per plan and snatched the weapons of the security accompanying the truck." As per sources, Sura and his gang had been planning to loot an angadia for some time now and had been doing a recce in Manek Chowk and Raipur for the same.
SP Nirlipt Rai (Ahmedabad Rural) gave credit to the technology. "Immediately after the incident, we used the software MindSite to locate all suspicious mobile phone activity between Raipur and Bavla. We noted seven mobile phones that seemed to be following the angadia firm's truck's route during the robbery. A GPS tracker was employed to locate these numbers that moved to Pethapur and other locations like Gandhinagar, Surat, Sabarkantha and Patan," said Rai. The teams swooped down on these mobile carriers and arrested them. Manan Maharaja, the man behind the software told Mirror, "We developed this smart software under the supervision of Ahmedabad Range IG and it is essentially meant to help crack crime fast. This is the first successful use of the software."
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